Our senior staff accountant, Joy Irwin, recently spoke at Primtek’s “Optimize Your Time. Maximize Your Dime.” seminar. With a focus on the upcoming year, Joy guided attendees through 10 questions that every organization can use to improve internal controls.
Irwin said, “Anytime I ask participants to do anything in a training session, I ask them to take something back to their organizations so they can improve it and their skills.” With an audience filled with CPAs, the attendees could also use the talk as credit toward continuing education.
“I support a lot of learning events for all types of businesses because that’s where we develop our networking and skills,” said Primtek’s Chris Toepfer. Overall, the event served as an informative training session and provided audience members with some valuable practices to utilize in the new year.
If you’re interested in an expert from Next Level Solutions speaking to your team or group, visit https://nextlevelsol.net/contact-us/