OSHA Safety Requirements Every Employer Must Know

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2024-2025 Flu Season
January 13, 2025
2024-2025 Flu Season
2024-2025 Flu Season
January 13, 2025

All employers, regardless of the size of the company, are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to provide a safe workplace for their employees. Businesses with fewer than ten employees are required to follow OSHA regulations. However, they are generally not required to maintain OSHA injury and illness records. 

OSHA regulations for providing a safe workplace include:

  • Emergency Action Plan – Every business should have a written plan that includes instructions for how employees should leave the workplace in the event of an emergency (fire, tornado, etc.). It should also have the actions that should be taken to provide first aid and communication. This plan should be reviewed with employees and displayed on the business premises where it is easily accessible. 
  • Fire Safety – Emergency fire exits must be clearly marked and kept free of obstructions. If the business has fire extinguishers (recommended, but not required), employees should be trained to use them. Fire extinguishers should be inspected annually to ensure that they are still operational. 
  • Hazardous Materials and Environments – Employees should receive training on how to safely use chemicals in the workplace. All such materials must be clearly identified. In addition to industry-specific materials, typical hazardous materials that are found in most businesses include cleaning products, adhesives, disinfectants, pesticides, etc. Protecting employees from hazardous materials in some workplaces may also mean providing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) such as eye and hearing protection, face shields or masks, gloves, respirators, etc. 
  • First Aid – Basic first aid materials should be available in every workplace. First aid training, including CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), should be provided so that someone in the workplace knows how to deal with workplace injuries and illnesses. Contact information for medical assistance should be posted in an accessible place. 

All employers must report serious workplace injuries to OSHA, including fatalities, amputations, loss of an eye or hospitalization. Some industries have additional reporting requirements even if they have less than 10 employees.

While it is unlikely that OSHA will inspect or audit most small businesses without cause, a serious workplace injury may result in hefty fines up to $16,000 for failure to provide basic safety measures or post the required federal posters. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, both in preventing workplace injuries and avoiding OSHA fines!

An HR professional can help you with all of your human resource needs. From hiring the right employees, running background checks, creating employee handbooks that include anti-harassment policies and procedures, and so much more, Next Level Solutions can work with you to provide the services that you need to run your business.

For more information about our accounting and human resource services, contact Next Level Solutions at info@nextlevelsol.net or (225) 330-8347