Tis the Office Party Season 2022
November 15, 2022
Understanding IRS Code Section 125
December 6, 2022As this year draws to a close it’s time for business owners and managers to start thinking about how to position their company for success in 2023. Here are five human resources tips to help you prepare for the year ahead.
- Review your employee handbook. Are your policies and procedures current and legally compliant? Companies should review and update employee handbooks at least once a year because things change, both internally and externally:
- Do your drug-testing policies reflect changes related to medical marijuana?
- Have you updated policies related to pregnancy leave?
- Do you have a written policy prohibiting employees from bringing lawfully permitted guns into the workplace?
When employee handbooks are revised, the new version should be provided to all employees, either hard copy or electronically, and everyone should sign a new Acknowledgement of Receipt statement confirming agreement to comply with company policies. This will help set you and your company up for success.
- Review and update job descriptions. Job duties also change based on company needs and an employee’s skill set. Another reason to conduct a review is to make sure that both the employee and supervisor are clear about what the employee is being paid to do. Job descriptions should include:
- Critical tasks – the reason the job exists and what makes it different from other jobs in the company
- Essential functions – tasks which are required by the job, such as operating heavy equipment, driving long distances, lifting heavy objects on a regular basis, etc. It is important to include these essential functions in the job description so that you can determine whether it is possible to “reasonably accommodate” someone with a disability to perform this job.
- Set performance expectations. Supervisors should review with employees on a regular basis, but at least annually, what they are expected to do, how they are expected to do it, and standards that must be met to be successful in their job.
- SMART goals help the supervisor communicate and the employee understands expectations. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound.
- Deadlines and standards also help clarify performance expectations.
- This is also a great time to identify training that an employee needs to be successful in the current job or to advance to a position with more responsibilities.
- Show appreciation for your employees. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, many employees resigned from their jobs or failed to return to work when businesses reopened. Employers are also finding it difficult to fill vacancies with qualified applicants. That means it is important to take care of the employees that stayed with your company and continue to come to work and do their job.
- Review your total compensation package to make sure that you are competitive in the community and your industry. In this challenging time, a company can’t expect to attract or retain good employees if it doesn’t pay more than minimum wage ($7.25/hour); but money is only one reason that employees stay with a company.
- Other benefits that help attract and retain employees include paid time off (holidays, vacation, sick leave) and health and life insurance. If your company provides these benefits, be sure to communicate their value to your employees.
- Company culture – employees want to be treated fairly and with respect and have some flexibility in work schedules and job assignments if possible. Be open to their suggestions and requests.
- Climb out of the rut that you’re stuck in. If your mindset is “that’s the way we’ve always done it,” you may find yourself doing all the work yourself when your employees leave for greener pastures. Make 2023 a great year by planning now for success!
An HR professional can help you with all of your human resources needs.
From hiring the right employees, running background checks, creating employee handbooks that include anti-harassment policies and procedures, and so much more, Next Level Solutions can work with you to provide the services that you need to run your business, and more importantly, too achieve success!
For more information about our accounting and human resource services, contact Next Level Solutions at info@nextlevelsol.net or (225) 330-8347.