

November 17, 2021
Civility in the Workplace

Civility in the Workplace

Remember when the airlines used to invite people to “fly the friendly skies?” Today, airline employees, who are just doing their jobs, are being verbally and physically assaulted by passengers. This same aggressive, sometimes violent, behavior has also invaded our workplaces. What happened to being “professional,” not to mention “nice,” to the people you work with? Incivility is rampant in the workplace today, leading to rudeness, name-calling, verbal abuse, increased tension and discord, even physical violence. This unprofessional behavior results in higher employee turnover, more absenteeism, lower productivity and profitability.
October 14, 2021
Guidelines to Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace

Guidelines to Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace

“She’s having a baby” is exciting news but also presents some unique workplace challenges. Although small businesses may not be required to comply with laws that provide protection for pregnancy and childbirth, they may find it necessary to adopt some of these guidelines in order to hire and retain female employees.
September 14, 2021
The New Normal in the Time of COVID

The New Normal in the Time of COVID

Eighteen months ago, when the first COVID shutdown was implemented, we thought that it would be for a short period and then everything would return to normal. Now we are coming to grips with the idea that life and work as we knew it pre-pandemic may never be the same. Going forward employers will need to adapt to the “new normal” in order to successfully operate their business.
September 7, 2021
Five Benefits of Outsourced CFO Services

Five Benefits of Outsourced CFO Services

If you own a small business, you understand that managing your finances is the key to success. However, hiring an in-house accounting team can often be time-consuming and expensive. Outsourcing these services is one great alternative that can eliminate many of these concerns. There are a number of benefits that outsourcing accounting and CFO services can bring to your business!