
February 13, 2020

Handling Office Romance

Workplace romances create challenges for business owners and supervisors, especially in the aftermath of #MeToo publicity.  Some employers try to avoid the drama that occurs while employees are romantically involved and the repercussions when the romance ends by prohibiting such relationships but the reality, according to a 2017 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey, is that 57% of individuals responding said they engaged in a romantic relationship at work.
January 28, 2020

EmployBR – Their Future is Your Business

Is your business experiencing growing pains? Do you wish you could find someone to share the workload but don’t have the time to hire or train a new employee? Although the unemployment rate in the greater Baton Rouge area is higher than the national average (6 percent in Baton Rouge compared to 3.6 percent nation-wide); business owners still find it difficult to hire employees who have the necessary job skills and work ethic (meaning they show up for work consistently, dress and behave appropriately, etc.).