
Human Resources

September 14, 2021

The New Normal in the Time of COVID

Eighteen months ago, when the first COVID shutdown was implemented, we thought that it would be for a short period and then everything would return to normal. Now we are coming to grips with the idea that life and work as we knew it pre-pandemic may never be the same. Going forward employers will need to adapt to the “new normal” in order to successfully operate their business.
July 8, 2021

Preparing Tomorrow’s Workforce Today

In the past “soft skills” were dismissed as fluff—nice but not necessary for getting the job done. But in today’s business world, managers are finding that soft skills like good communication, conflict management, time management and a penchant for problem-solving are critical factors that impact productivity. Unfortunately, traditional classroom education doesn’t teach these skills, considering them to be personal characteristics that students should have been taught at home. This has led to what is called a “soft skills gap” in today’s workplace that has far-reaching consequences for both the employer and the employee.